Aetheryte Earring +30% (up to level 71).Ala Mhigan Earrings +30% buff (up to level 51).Friendship Circlet +20% (up to level 26).Additionally, certain items work only up to a certain level, but overall, the 20%-30% EXP boost can make the difference in those early levels. However, item buffs do come with a couple of downsides since some of the items are were pre-order bonuses for A Realm Reborn, Stormblood, and Shadowbringers expansions and can no longer be obtained. Item buffs are simple way to gain an EXP boost without having to do anything other than equip the items. Regardless, these five ways will give your character an easy EXP boost so you can reach level 80 in no time.
For example, some may apply to dungeons and leves while others may work only on dungeons and the main story quests.
Overall, most of these ways are restricted to giving you the EXP boost per enemy you kill and some boosts may not apply to all duties. While running dungeons, fates, leves and other challenges are great ways to grind for EXP in Final Fantasy 14, there are a couple of easy items and ways that can boost your EXP gain while you grind.